University Vice Presidents Network

A Unique High-Level Forum
The network’s meetings and international site visits enable university executives to get away from the day-to-day grind of their roles and to provide a high-level forum for discussions on big issues. This is a place where the urgent does not displace the important.
Participating vice presidents engage in deep dives to uncover and understand entrenched and emerging challenges common to many universities. They are encouraged to consider institutional and collective objectives and explore existing or alternative means to achieve them – by understanding terrain, weighing options, learning from peers, and sharing lessons of experience.
University vice-presidents operate in unique and challenging governance and administrative environments. Yet, vice presidents are rarely trained for their roles as executive administrators of challenging portfolios. Each meeting, regardless of theme, involves valuable learning through peer-to-peer exchange and insights from leading higher education experts.
Annual international site visits look at the best examples of university practice from all over the world.
Full agendas and individual sessions range widely, emphasizing topics that call on leaders to deploy the collective strengths of vice presidents operating in teams across *all* senior portfolios.
Study best practices in higher education around the world. Keep a pulse on partnerships, research opportunities, and student and employer trends. Get ahead of the big issues on the horizon.

Who should participate?

Canadian Universities
The network convenes the vice-presidents of Canadian universities. Any VP-level executives from participating universities may attend meetings.

International Universities
On an invitational basis, selected international partner universities may also become members and attend meetings.

Meeting Themes
- Agendas may focus on the role of universities as partners with governments, businesses, and communities in strategic economic, industry or societal objectives. Universities rank high among any country’s top national, regional, and local assets. This network presents opportunities to leverage the broad capacities of universities towards collaborative strategic impact.
- Meetings take up the latest strategic questions and enduring challenges. How will AI change universities? What strategies and structures enable interdisciplinary programs and learning? When does risk management overtake the pursuit of excellence? How can universities strike a balance between autonomy and accountability?
- On pressing issues such as climate change, artificial intelligence, and global migration, the network facilitates strategic engagement between university leaders, experts, stakeholders, and key partners. Participating institutions help shape these engagements.
Carl Amrhein
Provost and Vice President (Academic), The Aga Khan University
“Diana MacKay has served as a Special Advisor in my office and I have worked with her at the Conference Board and when I was at the University of Alberta. She is unparalleled in getting good ideas moving from conceptualization to realization. Alex Usher is known to all for his astute insights into the workings of the higher education sector in Canada and abroad. Together, I have no doubt they will take on the tough issues that need collective solutions in higher education while pushing the sector to achieve shared goals.”
Thomas Chase
Vice President Academic and Principal, Yorkville University (BC Campus), Provost Emeritus, University of Regina
"Globally, humankind faces staggering problems – war, social fragmentation, the growth of an aggressive and unapologetic extreme right threatening democratic norms, a growing climate emergency, increased homelessness, isolation and mental health crises. Universities are uniquely positioned to work toward solutions. But instead of ensuring effectiveness and sustainability, we now find ourselves accelerating off a cliff built on fragile enrolments, diminished government and public support, and ever-increasing costs. I know from experience how valuable a network like this is – not only for learning but for providing a setting to develop relationships with people coast to coast who are facing the challenges of postsecondary education today."
Florentine Strzelczyk
Provost | Vice-President (Academic), Western University
“Our VP team at Western is leveraging our participation in the UVPN to gain exposure to best practices showcased at meetings and in study tours. We especially value the networking afforded by the UVPN. By engaging with colleagues trying to solve similar issues in our sector, we are forging new partnerships and collaborations drawing on new ideas and potential solutions.”
Sylvie Lafontaine
Vice President Finance Administration, Laurentian University/Université Laurentienne
« Être tout le temps concentré sur les pressions quotidiennes de notre travail ne facilite pas le type de leadership dont nous avons besoin dans l’enseignement supérieur canadien à l’heure actuelle.
Les rencontres UVPN nous rassemblent pour des discussions stratégiques avec nos pairs et nous amènent dans un espace différent pour voir plus grand et agir ensemble sur des problèmes communs. »
Forthcoming Meeting Dates and Locations
- March 24–28, 2025: March 24–28, 2025: Study Tour to Japan
- May 5–9, 2025: Meetings in Toronto and North Carolina